Science Talent Farming Scheme has been designed to ..
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Pakistan Science Foundation is the apex body to act as financing agency for the
promotion of basic and fundamental research on scientific problems relevant to the socio-economic
development of the country, the utilization of the results of scientific and technological research
including pilot plant studies ...
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At all scales, the role of science and technology in resolving
economic, social and environmental problems is crucial. Attainment of scientific knowledge and
appropriate technologies is a key to achieve this goal. Moreover, we should use novel and
integrated approaches that fully enrich existing and new scientific knowledge. In this
connection, universities, research and development institutes and industry can play a leading
role tackling all major problems identified so far.
Find out latest news at Pakistan Science Foundation
PSF Science Caravan Multan Unit organized Science QUIZ competition in celebration of World Science Day for Peace and Development 2024 at Govt. Laboratory Model Higher Secondary School Bosan Road Multan on 27.11.2024.
Khalid Hussain Soomro, Deputy Director, Science Caravan Tandojam briefing about Mobile Science Lab to MNA (Member of National Assembly) Pir Aftab Shah Jeelani ,Commissioner Fasal Ahmed Uqaili Mirpurkhas Division and Principal Public School Mirpurkhas on 2nd STEM Education Exhibition.
Group Photo of students with MNA Pir Aftab Shah Jeelani and Commissioner Fasal Ahmed Uqaili Mirpurkhas Division.
Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF) with partner organizations UNESCO, Pakistan Academy of Sciences (PAS) and Eco Science Foundation (ECOSF) organized World Science Day at PSF Auditorium.
Group photo of Organizers and Students on World Science Day on 12th November.
Chief Guest, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aslam Baig, Secretary General Pakistan Academy of Sciences (PAS), presenting Souvenir to Guest of Honor, Prof. Seyed Komail Tayebi, President, ECO Science Foundation, in ceremony of World Science Day 2024 at PSF.
Glimpse of Scientists and young Scientists in World Science Day 2024.
Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of Pakistan Museum of Natural History (PMNH)
Chairman PSF Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akram Shaikh Meet with UNESCO Team
Chairman PSF Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akram Shaikh Meet with UNESCO Team
Chairman SUPARCO Mr. Muhammad Yusuf Khan meets with Chairman PSF Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akram Shaikh
Chairman SUPARCO Mr. Muhammad Yusuf Khan along with distinguished officers from PSF meets with Chairman PSF Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akram Shaikh
Chairman SUPARCO Mr. Muhammad Yusuf Khan receiving souvenir from Chairman PSF Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akram Shaikh
A group photo of Charman PSF Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akram Shaikh, Chairman SUPARCO Mr. Muhammad Yusuf Khan, Member Finance Dr. Mirza Habib Ali, DG PMNH Dr. Saima Huma Tanveer, and other distinguished officers from PSF,PMNH
Scientist Convention on eve of Golden Jubilee Celebration of PSF at Peshawar
Scientist Convention on eve of Golden Jubilee Celebration of PSF at Peshawar
Scientist Convention on eve of Golden Jubilee Celebration of PSF at Peshawar
Scientist Convention on eve of Golden Jubilee Celebration of PSF at Peshawar
Chairman PSF Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akram Shaikh addressing to the participants of Women in Science leadership “A New Era for Sustainabilityâ€
Vice Chancellor GC Women University Sialkot Prof. Dr.Zarrin Fatima Rizvi receiving Souvenir from PSF meets with Chairman PSF Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akram Shaikh
Keynote Speaker of Women in Science leadership “A New Era for Sustainability†receiving souvenir from Chairman PSF Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akram Shaikh
A group photo of Key note speakers, distinguished officers from PSF, with Charman PSF Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akram Shaikh, Member Finance Dr. Mirza Habib Ali
Closing ceremony of local study visit for STFS 6th batch at Faletti's Grand hotel, Murree graced by President ECO Science Foundation,Prof. Seyed Komail Tayebi worthy Vice Chancellor Kohsar University Dr. Habib Bukhari and Chairman PSF Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akram Shaikh
Chairman PSF, Prof Dr. Muhammad Akram Shikh addressing STFS batch students on the closing ceremony of Local Study Visit of STFS 6th Batch.
Lecture by Vice Chancellor Kohsar University, Dr. Habib Bukhari at the closing ceremony of Local Study Visit of STFS 6th Batch.
Chairman, PSF presenting shield to honorable Chief Guest, Prof. Dr Kymail Tayebi, President ECO Science Foundation, Islamabad.
Chairman of PSF, Prof. Dr. Akram Shaikh, together with Mr. Yin Shengxin, First Secretary of Science and Technology from China, led the high-level meeting, which also included distinguished officials from PSF. Among them were Dr. Mirza Habib Ali, Member Finance, Dr. Saqib Nasir, Director of Planning & Development, and Ms. Zaiban Farooq, Incharge of the International Liaison Wing, representing PSF.
Chairman of PSF, Prof. Dr. Akram Shaikh, together with Mr. Yin Shengxin, First Secretary of Science and Technology from China, led the high-level meeting, which also included distinguished officials from PSF. Among them were Dr. Mirza Habib Ali, Member Finance, Dr. Saqib Nasir, Director of Planning & Development, and Ms. Zaiban Farooq, Incharge of the International Liaison Wing, representing PSF.
Chairman of PSF, Prof. Dr. Akram Shaikh, together with Mr. Yin Shengxin, First Secretary of Science and Technology from China, led the high-level meeting, which also included distinguished officials from PSF. Among them were Dr. Mirza Habib Ali, Member Finance, Dr. Saqib Nasir, Director of Planning & Development, and Ms. Zaiban Farooq, Incharge of the International Liaison Wing, representing PSF.
Prof. Dr. Akram Shaikh, Chairman, Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF), heading a meeting with Mr. Philipp Oliver GROSS, Minister Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission at the Delegation of the European Union to Pakistan on 13th Feb, 2024 at PSF. Dr. Mirza Habib Ali, Director Research Support/Member Finance, Dr. Saqib Nasir, Director P&D/Project Director-STEM and Miss Zaiban Farooq, Incharge International Linkages are also present.
Prof. Dr. Akram Shaikh, Chairman, Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF), heading a meeting with Mr. Philipp Oliver GROSS, Minister Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission at the Delegation of the European Union to Pakistan on 13th Feb, 2024 at PSF. Dr. Mirza Habib Ali, Director Research Support/Member Finance, Dr. Saqib Nasir, Director P&D/Project Director-STEM and Miss Zaiban Farooq, Incharge International Linkages are also present.
PSF in collaboration with UNESCO, COMSATS and ECOSF organized an event in commemoration of World Science Day for Peace and Development on 15th November 2023, in Islamabad Pakistan.
Dr. Alex Rymond, Center for Integrative Genomics, Lausanne, Mr. Alberto Groff, Deputy Head of Mission, , Embassy of Switzerland , Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood Khan, President, Pakistan Academy of Sciences, Prof. Dr. ShahidMahmoodBaig, S.I, Chairman, PSF, Dr. Igor Tomic, Écolepolytechniquefédérale de Lausanne during g the inaugural session of Workshops on Genomics Medicines and Earthquake Engineering on Nov, 21 2023 at PAS.
Dr. Ambrin Fatima from Agha Khan University, Karachi, Prof. Dr. Jaida Manzoor, The Children Hospital Lahore, Prof. Dr. ShahidMahmoodBaig, S.I, Chairman, PSF, Dr. Muhammad Ansar, University of Laussane, Dr. Alex Rymond, Center for Integrative Genomics, Lausanne-Speakers of the Pak-Swiss Medical Genomics Workshops.
Participantion of Pakistani team in IJSO 2023 Bangkok Thailand from December 01 to 10 Pakistani student won the bronze medal in IJSO 2023 Thailand
Participantion of Pakistani team in IJSO 2023 Bangkok Thailand from December 01 to 10 Pakistani student won the bronze medal in IJSO 2023 Thailand
Glimpses of Science Caravan Units Activities
Glimpses of Science Caravan Units Activities
Glimpses of Science Caravan Units Activities
Glimpses of Science Caravan Units Activities
Glimpses of Science Caravan Units Activities
Glimpses of Science Caravan Units Activities
Glimpses of Science Caravan Units Activities
Glimpses of Science Caravan Units Activities
Glimpses of Science Caravan Units Activities
Glimpses of Science Caravan Units Activities
Glimpses of Science Caravan Units Activities
Glimpses of Science Caravan Units Activities
Glimpses of Science Caravan Units Activities
Glimpses of Science Caravan Units Activities
Glimpses of Science Caravan Units Activities
Glimpses of Science Caravan Units Activities
Federal Secretary MoST, Mr. Ghulam Muhammad Memon and Chairman PSF Dr. Shahid Mahmood Baig receiving Chief Guest Prof. Ahsan Iqbal Chaudhary, Federal Minister Planning and Development for China-Pakistan seed celebration
Chief Guest Prof. Ahsan Iqbal Chaudhary, Federal Minister for Planning and Development, awarding souvenir to Prof. Dr. Atia tul Wahab.
Group photo of dignitaries from China and Pakistan with the Chief Guest Prof. Ahsan Iqbal Chaudhary, Federal Minister for Planning and Development
President of Aga Khan University Dr. Sulaiman Shahabuddin & Senior advisor Dr. Jamil Khan called on Secretary MoST Dr. Ghulam Muhammad Memon & discussed different projects of mutual interest with the support of MoST & PSF.
Professor Dr. B.S. Chowdhry (Ex-PSF-BoT Member, Advisor MUET) called upon Prof. Dr. Shahid Mahmood Baig(SI), Chairman, PSF.
Dr. Sardar Mihazzam, MD, NEECA visited Pakistan Science Foundation.
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Umer (SI), Vice Chancellor, RMU called upon Prof. Dr. Shahid Mahmood Baig(SI), Chairman, PSF.
World Science Day at COMSTECH ISLAMABAD.
PROF. DR. SHAHID MAHMOOD BAIG, S. I., Chairman, PSF is presenting museum's souvenir to Mr. Cao Zhouhua, Science Commissioner in Chinese Embassy in Pakistan.
Mr. Cao Zhouhua, Science Commissioner in Chinese Embassy in
Pakistan, is taking keen interest in the fossils displayed in the Paleo gallery at PMNH during visit.
A zoom meeting was organized for seeking potential research
projects to commercialize in national and international markets through the cooperation of PSF,
Macter, and Academia.
A Lecture was organized on "Nitric Oxide Nasal Spray for COVID-19
Treatment and Breath Test for COVID-19 Diagnosis" by Dr. Isaac John, Associate Director of Research
& Development, Hon Senior Lecturer, Royal Holloway, University of London-UK.
Additional Secretary Ministry of Science and Technology (S&T) Syed Attaur Rehman addressing the prize and award-giving ceremony at Islamabad Model College for Boys I-8/3 on Thursday.
A group photo of the winners of poster, essay and plastic waste models competitions with the chief guest at the prize and award-giving ceremony at Islamabad Model College for Boys I-8/3.
H.E. Dr. Arif Alvi, President Islamic Republic of Pakistan,
sharing his ideas and vision on STEM project.
planting a tree at PSF lawn in compliance to PM Imran Khan's nationwide monsoon plantation drive
Pakistan Science Foundation provides the following research support to the scientists:
The Pakistan ScienceFoundation provides grants to universities and other R&D organizations for projects undertaken by individuals or groups of scientists.
PSF assists the universities and research institutions by providing them Institutional Support Grants for the purchase of lab. equipment, chemicals, literature etc.
Pakistan Science Foundation provides grants-in-aid to these societies and learned bodies for holding of conferences and publication of scientific journals.
Pakistan Science Foundation provides grants
for publication of journals. The list of journals currently receiving funding in this regard is
available on the website.