International Linkage with Chineese Institutions
PSF & National Natural Science Foundation of China: |
PSF-NSFC Joint Technical Committee Meeting
An online Joint Technical meeting with NSFC authorities was held on 16th March, 2021 at PSF. The meeting was chaired by PSF, Dr. Shahid Mahmood Baig, Chairman, PSF. In the meeting, there was formal exchange of results of the PSF-NSFC joint call. Besides this, two sides also exchange gratitude on existing collaboration and modalities to launch joint 5 th calls were also discussed. In addition, Chairman, PSF also put proposal for expansion of PSF-NSFC cooperation to new horizons for Researchers and Scientists to capitalize and learn from each other in science and technology in the form of Joint Scientific Exchange programme which was appreciated by counter organization and they showed their consent to launch this programme soon.
The received proposals were initially scrutinized by PSF team and afterwards, the same were placed before screening committee. 60 shortlisted projects were evaluated by two relevant subject experts nominated by PSF Competent Authority. After successful completion of review of these projects, their results were shared with international wing of NSFC with full consensus, 12 projects were finalized unanimously for funding.

Signing of Letter of Intent (LoI) between Pakistan Science Foundation and Children and Youth Science Center, China Association for Science and Technology (CYSCC)
Pakistan Science Foundation, the apex organization of the country for promotion of science, is all set to enter into long term collaboration with Children & Youth Science Center of CAST, China. The two sides shall sign a Letter of Intent to testify this cooperation. Through the collaboration, CYSC will help PSF in capacity building of science teachers and students for a successful execution of STEM (Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics) project by PSF throughout Pakistan.
It may be noted that PSF has got approved the STEM project from Ministry of Planning and Development, which includes refurbishment of some higher secondary school's labs into fablabs, elite training of science teachers and development of STEM teaching modules. PSF has therefore, planned to seek assistance of the top of line science education institutes of China in order to inspire and replicate the STEM education paradigm in Pakistan.
"Children & Youth Science Center of CAST" has principally agreed mainly to provide online teacher training and teaching modules, giving free access to virtual STEM Learning platform, and services of Chinese Experts for training of science teachers in Pakistan. CAST has more than 210 national member societies and branches all over the China having close ties with millions of Chinese scientists, engineers and other professionals and has made significant contributions to the prosperity and development of China and through this planned assistance, Pakistan can learn a lot from China experience in the field of Science and Technology. The cooperation will soon be formalized by mutual signing of an MoU.
In this connection, a Letter of Intent was signed between Pakistan Science Foundation and "Children & Youth Science Centre of CAST" on 20 May, 2021 through Zoom/online at PSF. The event also commemorated 70th anniversary of Sino-Pak diplomatic relationships.