Linkage with Türkiye
Pakistan Science Foundation has the following International Linkage programs to promote science in Pakistan.
PSF and The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK)
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK) is the leading agency for management, funding and conduct of research in Türkiye. It was established in 1963 with a mission to advance science and technology, conduct research and support Türkish researchers. The Council is an autonomous institution and is governed by a Scientific Board whose members are selected from prominent scholars from universities, industry and research institutions.
TUBITAK is responsible for promoting, developing, organizing, conducting and coordinating research and development in line with national targets and priorities. It also acts as an advisory agency to the Türkish Government on science and research issues, and is the secretariat of the Supreme Council for Science and Technology (SCST), the highest S&T policy making body in Türkiye.
Setting its vision as to be an innovative, guiding, participating and cooperating institution in the fields of science and technology, which serves for improvement of the life standards of our society and sustainable development of our country, TUBITAK not only supports innovation, academic and industrial R&D studies but also in line with national priorities develops scientific and technological policies and manages R&D institutes, carrying on research, technology and development studies.
There are bilateral cooperation agreements with a variety of countries at the intergovernmental or inter-institutional levels. Within the framework of such agreements, common research projects are supported and monitored; financial support is provided for several different types of activities such as common scientific meetings, exchange of scientists, scientific visits.
PSF and TUBITAK signed a MoU on 17th of September, 2013 at Ankara, Türkiye to strengthen scientific and technological co-operation among Pakistan and Türkiye on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. PSF, Pakistan and TUBITAK, Türkiye will jointly initiate the steps for the improvement of science and technology in both the countries.
Details of the MoU are as under:
- PSF, Pakistan and TUBITAK, Türkiye will initiate Joint Research Development Projects in the following priority areas as per Article 4 of the MoU;
- Natural Sciences
- Energy
- Earth Sciences
- Engineering Sciences
- Environmental Sciences
- Inventions & Innovations
- Exchange of individual scientists for the purpose of conducting research work, exchange of information about ongoing research activities, adaptation of new scientific methods, delivering lectures, establishing new scientific contacts for developing joint projects, attending scientific events;
- Joint Research and Development projects, including exchange of results and exchange of scientists, specialists and researchers will be made.
- Organizing and participating in joint scientific meetings, seminars, conferences, symposia, courses, workshops, exhibitions etc.
- Exchange of scientific and technical results, information and documentations arising from the bilateral scientific and technological cooperation;
- Joint use of research and development facilities and scientific equipments;
- Other forms of scientific and technological co-operation which may be mutually agreed upon.
- PSF, Pakistan and TUBITAK, Türkiye will collaborate within the context of participation in European Union Seventh Framework Programme (EU FP7/Horizon 2020) International Cooperation (INCO) Projects;
- The executive details concerning the Cooperation in EU FP7 and Horizon 2020 will be elaborated by the Joint Committee.
PSF-TUBITAK Joint Technical Committee Meeting
An online Joint Technical meeting with TUBITAK authorities was held on 22 June, 2021 at PSF. The meeting was chaired by Prof. Hasan Mandal, President, TUBITAK, while from PSF, Dr. Shahid Mahmood Baig, Chairman, PSF chaired the meeting. In the meeting, there was formal exchange of results of the PSF-TUBITAK call. Besides this, two Heads also discussed expansion of PSF–TUBITAK cooperation to new horizons for Researchers and Scientists to capitalize and learn from each other in science and technology.
The received proposals were initially scrutinized by PSF team and afterwards, the same were placed before two subject experts nominated by PSF Competent Authority for review and recommendations. After successful completion of review of these projects, their results were shared with international wing of TUBITAK. With full consensus, 09 projects were finalized unanimously for funding.