Travel Grants for Non-developmentt
Eligibility Criteria:
- A regular/full time employee of the Govt. or Public Sector R&D organization/ Public Sector HEC recognized university/Chartered University recognized by the HEC can apply for the travel grant.
- The applicant should be a scientist/technologists/ working under any discipline of science, engineering or medicine
- The research paper to be presented by the applicant must be accepted for oral presentation in a conference/ seminar/ symposium/workshop.
- The applicant will have to provide a copy of the full research paper to be presented and plagiarism report of the paper and its Similarity Index should be less than 20%.
- The applicant will have to present a valid acceptance letter for oral presentation mentioning complete address, phone & fax no. and email of the event organizers.
- The scientific research paper should be based on results of research undertaken by the applicant within Pakistan.
- The participating author will obtain and provide consent of other authors for presentation of research paper by him/her on the letter head of the organization.
- Scientists/technologists who are invited as keynote speakers to present lead/plenary lectures in International science conferences/seminars/symposia/workshop will also be eligible to apply for the grant.
- The scientists/technologists who are offered partial funding by their parent departments or organizers will be given preference while considering requests for funding.
- The conference/seminar/symposium/workshops organized by the world renowned global scientific society/university/R&D organization will be considered for provision of travel grant.
- The research topics of the applicant must be related to the STI 2022 policy fields / pillars.
- An applicant can only be awarded once in a particular fiscal year.
- If travel grant is being awarded from the development budget under any approved PSDP project, then the same provisions will not be funded from non-development budget.
- The applicant who has given consent to any of the co-author can’t avail/apply travel grant for the same paper presentation through any funding agency in Pakistan.
- The applicant must have to mention the HEC or any other organization to which he/she has applied for travel grant to present the same paper presentation.
- Travel grant for attending annual meetings of scientific forums where oral presentation is in the form of research papers / Invited talk are also allowed.
Terms of In-Eligibility:
- Conferences organized by fake organizations i.e., OMICS, WASET and private organizations etc.
- Pakistani scientists/technologists/post doctorate fellows studying/working in foreign universities/ organizations at the time of submission of travel grant request.
- Earlier presented and already published papers
- Travel grant for attending annual meetings of scientific forums
- Ph.D/M.Phil/MS/M.Sc students.
- Visiting faculty members/contract employees of universities/R&D organizations.
- Students/faculty member from private sector Universities/Institutions.
- Survey papers and research papers related to social and management sciences.
- Poster presentation.
- Review papers
- Incomplete applications